Maximize efficiency and get the flexibility you need with powerful integrations
German-engineered API
evasys and evaexam boast an API unrivalled for adaptability so our customers can leverage their existing IT ecosystems for both administrators and participants in the survey, evaluation, examination or testing process.
If your desired platform is not listed, or you don’t have the technical staff to use our Software Development Kit to develop custom integrations as required, speak to us to have an integration developed for you.

Our LTI interface integrates evasys so survey or evaluation information can be seen from both instructor and student perspectives within Blackboard. Instructors can access all of their evaluation data and get overviews on active surveys and response rates. Similarly, students can access all surveys available to them, and the results of those surveys if the administrator has provided access to them.

evasys survey and evaluation information can be seen from instructor and student perspectives within Brightspace via our LTI interface integration. For instructors, evaluation data and overviews on active surveys and response rates can be accessed conveniently. For students, all surveys available to them, and the results of those surveys (if granted access by the administrator), may be accessed in the same way, too.

With the interface to the CMS CAMPUSonline, structural data of courses and lecturers can be automatically transferred to evasys. Evasys automatically creates online and paper surveys based on the data from CAMPUSonline. Because the student’s contact details are also used, invitations to surveys can be sent directly. The data quality increases with the interface because the manual transmission of the structural data is no longer necessary and the susceptibility to errors is significantly minimized.

evasys’ integration with Canvas allows instructors and students to access their course evaluations directly from their Canvas homepage or app. evasys surveys and evaluations can be defined as ‘assignments’ within Canvas, be time controlled with due dates displayed in Canvas calendars, and display on the Canvas dashboard.

Data Access Layer (DAL)
The DAL is designed to give you direct access to evasys data without having to worry about system internals. It works with over 200 database tables to map your organization and defined evaluation processes.

Integrate your surveys and exams in ILIAS with the LTI interface. The ILIAS integration for evasys allows ILIAS users to display links to evasys online surveys or evaluations. Participants do not have to enter a password manually to participate in the surveys.

This integration simplifies data exchange between evasys and evaexam with Moodle. It also allows display of evasys and evaexam online surveys, evaluations, examinations or tests directly on the Moodle start page. You may also set pop-up notifcations for pending surveys to greatly enhance participation.

The Proctorio plugin for evaexam allows automated invigilation of online tests and examinations, and is GDPR compliant. ID verification, recording video, audio, the participant’s screen, and any web traffic on the system used may be centrally controlled. Configuration and exam generation is done directly via evaexam.

Software Development Kit (SDK)
If your interface can’t be found on this list, our highly documented SDK allows your technical support staff, or ours, to create and implement custom uses for evasys and evaexam with SOAP API. These may be integrations, or standalone applications, for any systems that support web services. In addition, the LTI interface allows evasys and evaexam to display content in all Learning Management Systems which support the standard.

The Stud.IP integration for evasys allows synchronization of course structural data for course evaluations. Students may also access evasys online surveys or evaluations directly via their Stud.IP portals without opening a new browser window.