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  • ISO certification – focus on quality, security and innovation

    We recently received the coveted ISO 27001 certification - a real breakthrough in our journey towards service excellence and innovative solutions. This certification not only marks a milestone for our…

  • The integration between CAMPUSonline and evasys: A high degree of automation for survey processes

    Learn more about our new integration between CAMPUSonline and evasys in this article.

  • After the release is before the release – Sneak Preview of evaexam V9.0

    With version 9.0 our exam solution evaexam gets a new coat of paint - in this article you get an exclusive sneak preview of the new evaexam interface.

  • Laptop auf Schreibtisch.
    For even more clarity and transparency in quality assurance: the qurricula release Q3/2021

    In this article you will learn how the new qurricula release can be used to optimize workflows and procedures in the context of administration and quality management of study programs.

  • Jetzt evasys evaexam 8.2
    Now: new evasys and evaexam version 8.2 are available!

    Engaging with the data is the first step towards greater identification with the results for all those involved in the evaluation. The extension of the existing HTML report with improved…

  • Sneak Preview evasys
    After the release is before the release – Sneak Preview evasys V9.0

    Brighter, cleaner, more modern, and easier to use: Find out in this sneak preview what you can look forward to in evasys version 9.0.

  • SDI Werkstattbericht
    Project “Smart Data Insights” with feature for categorizing free text answers

    Automatic recognition of frequently discussed topics is one of the new features of the planned data analytics platform evainsights. Learn more about the new feature here!…

  • Gruppe Menschen in einem kreativem Prozess.
    How surveys can contribute to successful change management!

    Due to rapidly changing markets and requirements, change management is no longer optional but rather a must. There is a distinct need to adapt to changing circumstances, whether these changes…

  • Studentin am Laptop.
    Creating exam situations: secure and transparent online exams with evaexam version 8.2

    The evaexam version 8.2 is coming soon, and with it our online exams make a mighty leap forward. They will be even more transparent, efficient, and modern. We have changed…

  • Visualisierung Hotspotfrage.
    New in version 8.2: The hotspot question in evaexam

    Designing online exams in a quality-assuring, reliable, and activating way: The new hotspot question in evaexam opens up new ways for instructors to design exams. Learn more about the new…

  • Version 8.2 der Befragungssoftware evasys.
    A short insight into some new features of evasys version 8.2

    We would like to give you a short preview of some new features of evasys version 8.2, which we expect to release in the last quarter of this year.

  • Frau in einer Jacke vor einem Gebäude.
    Successful use of managed hosting at SRH Higher Education

    With the managed hosting of our evasys system, smooth operations at the SRH universities are guaranteed. Both the security management benefits, e.g. regular back-ups, penetration checks, and security updates, as…

  • Drei sich unterhaltende Menschen.
    Ever worked with the Net Promoter Score?

    The net promoter score refers to the experience of customers and students. The focus is on the question, whether one would recommend a company, a product, etc. to friends or…

  • Geschäftsfrau im Gespräch mit Kollegen
    Congress of the DeGEval Work group Healthcare

    It is our intention to adapt the two industry solutions qurricula and quratio to the most current and urgent requirements of these industries. In order to be always up to…

  • A short preview of the new features of evaexam version 8.2

    We would like to provide you with a brief preview of some features of evaexam version 8.2. The release is expected in fall 2021. Expect many new features and improvements…

  • Prüfungsdashboard
    The new exam dashboard – Live tracking and monitoring of exams

    With the exam dashboard, you can track examination activities and the status of individual examinees live. Further functions and added values of the dashboard are presented in this article.

  • Hochschule Fulda.
    How to help your students prepare for their online exams

    Learn how to optimally prepare your students for upcoming online examinations in evaexam in this practice example from Fulda University of Applied Sciences.

  • Entwicklung von Programmierungstechnologie.
    Always technically ahead!

    Hardly any other industry is as fast-moving and exciting as software development. The curiosity of developers for better, more intelligent solutions is what moves companies, institutions and thus society forward.

  • Öffentlicher Redner, der auf einer Business-Veranstaltung spricht
    Changing Together – Spring Conference of the DeGEval AK Universities 2018

    The topics of the conference were as wide-ranging as the tasks and challenges facing universities today. One of the most important areas, for example, is quality management in teaching and…

  • Gruppe Leute im Büro am Computer.
    The ZuriHAC 2018

    From 2018-06-08 to 2018-06-10, our subsidiary from Budapest participated in ZuriHac2018 Haskell Hackathon in Rapperswill (near Zurich). Exciting speakers convinced with exciting topics like refinement types for Haskell and building…

  • Sitzende Menschen in einem Raum, welche einer Vortragenden zuhören.
    Guest at the SEVAL in Bern

    Accuracy is essential in evaluation. It therefore goes without saying that in Switzerland evaluations are carried out with the precision of a clockwork. In 2019, our subsidiary in Budapest had…

  • Eine große Gruppe Menschen in einem Raum
    New year, new insights – QM conference at MU Graz

    For the qurricula expert of our subsidiary in Budapest, Wolfgang A. Grabow, the conference held not only a reunion with customers and colleagues, but also a number of contributions worth…

  • Redner in einem Konferenzsaal.
    Lehre-lotsen conference

    Thematically, the conference dealt with networked structures for quality development in studying and instruction with a special focus on dialogue/change of perspective, versatility and interfaces.

  • Exchange forum for system-accredited universities

    A special opportunity was offered to our subsidiary in Budapest at the 2nd exchange forum of system-accredited universities in Münster at the beginning of April. Discussions were held on everything…

  • einem Vortrag zuhörende Menschen
    Addendum to the Nexus Conference 2019

    Today, knowledge is passed on in many different ways. But how can it be determined whether this knowledge is actually being transmitted properly? The more complex a subject, the more…

  • Konferenz und Präsentation.
    Introducing qurricula at the ACQUIN Members meeting 2019

    About two years ago, our subsidiary in Budapest started to focus more intensively on the topic of system and program accreditation. Together with the University of Heidelberg, it developed a…

  • Junger Mann am Computer
    Our used technology behind evasys+ and qurricula

    Since the establishment of our subsidiary in Budapest, we have consciously developed our branch solutions on the basis of functional programming. Every day we use Clojure and ClojureScript for this…

  • Lernkontrollen evaexam.
    Learn more about student learning achievement

    Learning assessments offer considerable benefits for both students and instructors and can be conducted quickly and easily with our examination software evaexam.

  • Dialogevaluation.
    Dialogue Evaluation: Established Practice in the U.K.

    The dialog evaluation is already common practice at most universities in the U.K. Our British colleagues told us, how the motivation of students to participate in surveys has changed through…

  • Hochschule RheinMain
    Successful implementation of qurricula for accreditation at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences

    In everyday life, we are convinced by the intuitive way of working. Qurricula is practically self-explanatory. We have all the relevant documents for the processes in one place, which makes…

  • Studierende am Tisch
    Identify needs of your students and respond in time

    Due to the current corona situation, universities as well as students are facing new challenges. Master them with evasys+…

  • Smart Data Insights.
    Launch of the “Smart Data Insights” project

    The evasys GmbH starts the development of an add-on for quantitative and qualitative data analysis - the project team is funded by the state of Lower Saxony for 24 months.

  • Zwei Menschen am Laptop.
    7 reasons why qurricula is also useful for your quality management

    In the following, we show you seven requirements that arise from the quality management and accreditation processes and which solutions qurricula offers therefore.

  • A software with experience: evasys+ – short introduction

    With the help of evasys+, instructors and students can be more closely involved in survey and quality development processes. Instructors thus have the opportunity to get into dialogue with students…

  • Studierende nehmen an einer Onlineumfrage teil.
    Why pulse surveys are such an important thing

    Especially nowadays there is much food for thought about student engagement and student well-being. The reason for this is the current Corona-situation. University life is upside down - everything happens…

  • Best performance of evaexam through managed hosting

    Not least due to the special and unplannable circumstances of the Corona pandemic, online exam formats at higher education institutions and universities are increasingly becoming the focus of the digital…