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Changing Together – Spring Conference of the DeGEval AK Universities 2018

Auch auf der Frühjahrstagung 2018 der DeGEval AK Hochschulen wurde mit spannenden Themen aufgewartet. Unsere Tochterfirma aus Budapest war als Mitglied dabei.

Spring Conference of the DeGEval AK Universities 2018

The motto could not have been more exciting. It was about “Universities on new paths”. Our subsidiary was looking forward to following the current state of discourse on important topics of evaluation in the context of higher education in order to gain new impulses for its solution offerings.

The topics of the conference were as wide-ranging as the tasks and challenges facing universities today. One of the most important areas, for example, is quality management in teaching and learning. Thus, a large part of the conference was also determined by this topic, among other things against the background of accreditation/reaccreditation procedures. Another focus was on international comparisons – highly exciting for our subsidiary, since at the time just over 30 universities in the UK were also working with solutions from our subsidiary

In addition to all the professional training, it was also the personal contact that Wolfgang Grabow was looking forward to, because many of the colleagues who were present had been companions of our subsidiary for many years.

More information about DeGEval AK Hochschulen can be found here.

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