Exchange forum for system-accredited universities

The exchange forum for system-accredited universities offers the opportunity to communicate about themes and challenges in the accreditation system.

The exchange forum for system-accredited universities

The exchange meetings of system-accredited universities organized by Münster University of Applied Sciences offer QM staff the opportunity of networking with each other, discussing questions and finding solutions to difficult decisions. The target group consists of already system-accredited universities or those that are already well into their accreditation process.

Among experts – quality management at system-accredited universities

A special opportunity was offered to our subsidiary in Budapest at the 2nd exchange forum of system-accredited universities in Münster at the beginning of April. Discussions were held on everything that has to do with questions concerning system accreditation.

The forum was organized by Münster University of Applied Sciences, which also invited qurricula-expert Wolfgang A. Grabow to participate in the event as a speaker. Thus, for the first time, he was present as a guest at a conference that was not commercially oriented but purely scientific.

The first part of the planned presentation was dedicated to the introduction of qurricula, the second part to answering questions.

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