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Lehre-lotsen conference

The 2018 Lehre-lotsen conference focused on the new challenges of quality development for studying and instruction.

Lehre-lotsen-conference 2018

In September 2018, the conference “Lehre-lotsen” took place at HAW Hamburg. Qurricula expert of our subsidiary in Budapest, Wolfgang A. Grabow, was on site.

Thematically, the conference dealt with networked structures for quality development in studying and instruction with a special focus on dialogue/change of perspective, versatility and interfaces. The interdisciplinary project for dialog-oriented quality development was funded by the federal-state program of the Teaching Quality Pact and was held under the theme of competence orientation.

The participants discussed and reflected on the future course and possible solutions in the higher education sector, which is constantly shifting due to changing requirements resulting from social change and digitization, making it necessary to network all relevant stakeholders. The goal of the “Lehre lotsen” conference was to achieve a cultural change, among other things by optimizing quality management and curriculum development.

The official conference material from 2018 can be found here. Also a detailed final project from 2021.

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