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British Occupational Hygiene Society

Learn how others have elevated their performance with evasys and evaexam
Solutions Used

Online Exams

About the British Occupational Hygiene Society

Founded in 1953, the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) provides expertise, guidance and control on the management of workplace health risks and was awarded a Royal Charter in 2013. It has over 1,800 members in 57 countries worldwide.

COVID-19 and urgency

Prior to COVID-19, BOHS and their international training providers relied on paper exams. With the closing of physical teaching premises due to the pandemic, training providers could no longer offer face-to-face teaching or assessments. BOHS realised that they needed to take decisive action and the need for an online examination tool became a matter of great urgency.

We worked with BOHS in partnership to move their exams online with evaexam. Our implementation and support team worked closely with BOHS to setup the software and create their early exams and sittings. From start to finish, it took just five days from the first demonstration webinar to a pilot exam being created and completed by a candidate.


"The evaexam team are committed to helping you get the most out of their systems. They make you feel valued and make helpful suggestions. Without a doubt, the people make the difference and in any business that is the key to winning and keeping customers for the long term. It is a competitive field and there are systems that have similar functions, but evaexam make you feel that they are an extension of your own team."

– Lisa Williams, Head of Commercial Operations Qualifications & Training

Exams and ongoing support with evaexam

Within ten weeks of implementing evaexam, BOHS had converted nearly all their paper exams to online exams globally. They have felt fully supported by the evasys support team, from setup through to the ongoing creation of more complex exam sheets.

BOHS are now well on their way to streamlining and modernising their exam processes. Training providers have come onboard very quickly and have reported that, even though the online system is different from what they are used to, it is easy to use and they are happy that they do not have to deal with paperwork. Three months into the journey, 300 candidates in have been assessed using evaexam and this number grows each day.

Any questions? We are here to help.

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