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New year, new insights – QM conference at MU Graz

The fifth international QM conference at MU Graz dealt with the connection of quality and knowledge management.

International Conference on Quality Management and Quality Development in Higher Education 2019

The fifth international QM conference dealt with the following question: Quality and knowledge management at universities – two perspectives?

Knowledge management at universities was commonly reflected in the context of quality management. In both research as well as in development and teaching, knowledge is a central aspect. Administration and management at universities are also concerned with the generating, addressing and securing of knowledge, with a particular focus on making knowledge usable.

The  conference focused thematically on the question of a synergy and fusion of quality and knowledge management. Presentations were given on the topics of knowledge management from an international perspective and knowledge in processes as well as methods of knowledge and quality management and the handling of unstructured data.

For the qurricula expert of our subsidiary in Budapest, Wolfgang A. Grabow, the conference held not only a reunion with customers and colleagues, but also a number of contributions worth listening to. Especially the panel on “Methods of Knowledge Management = Methods of Quality Management” was of great interest.

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