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Accessible surveys and testing with evasys and evaexam

Have you ever wondered how a blind person reads a website? Or how this person completes a questionnaire or takes part in an exam? Accessible websites and web applications make this possible. The implementation of accessibility begins with the concept and design of the website or application.

Our products, evasys and evaexam, fulfill the guidelines for accessible web content and are therefore accessible to a broad group of users. But what does accessibility actually mean and what is behind the term WCAG? We’ll explain in this article.

What does accessibility mean?

Accessible Internet means that web content can be used by all users, regardless of their limitations or technical possibilities. This means that all people have equal access and equal opportunities on the World Wide Web.

The point at which a web application is considered accessible depends on the standard that has been set. The most important international standard for the assessment of web services with regard to their accessibility is the WCAG, which is, among other things, the basis for the German legislation on accessible web design.

What are the WCAG?

In the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defines recommendations for the accessibility of web offerings. These guidelines highlight how offers on the Internet can be designed so that they are accessible to all Internet users –regardless of their physical, mental or technical capabilities.

Since June 2018 the W3C recommends WCAG 2.1 as the new standard. Since December 2019, the EU has defined it as the authoritative standard for the implementation of EU Directive 2016/2102. WCAG 2.1 aims to improve the accessibility of web pages for Internet users with low vision, cognitive impairment or learning difficulties. In addition, the focus is on requirements for the accessibility of mobile web content.

evasys fulfills WCAG 2.1 AA criteria

With each new product version, evasys is checked for accessibility. The evasys standard online template has already fulfilled the accessibility requirements according to the international standard WCAG 2.1 AA for several versions and has been certified by the independent Swiss testing agency “Access for All”.

Unfortunately, no official, independent testing laboratory offers the possibility of certification with regard to WCAG 2.1. However, in cooperation with an external consultant, we have optimized our standard template for online surveys and had it tested for compliance with WCAG 2.1. With Service Pack 1 for version 8.0, the evasys standard template fulfills all necessary criteria of WCAG 2.1 AA and can therefore be said to conform. A certification will be undertaken as soon as there is a possibility to do so.

Any questions? We are here to help.

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