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Studierende nehmen an einer Onlineumfrage teil.

Why pulse surveys are such an important thing

Especially nowadays there is much food for thought about student engagement and student well-being. The reason for this is the current Corona-situation. University life is upside down - everything happens from home now. In fact, it's probably never been more important to get students' opinions as quickly as possible so that any adjustments can be made to the now mostly digital modules.

Pulse surveys: What is meant by that?

Pulse surveys are short investigations with the aim of obtaining fast and compact feedback to certain projects or processes. They are particularly suitable for lecturers as a control and monitoring instrument, because they enable the rapid gathering of an opinion. The procedure ensures greater acceptance because the surveys are compact and can be answered in a short time.

So why pulse surveys?

Teaching formats at universities have changed in the recent past. New, digital teaching channels are changing the nature of teaching and learning as well as the entire student life. However, many students are suffering psychologically due to the Corona measures and increasingly express fears about relatives and about prolonged studies in counseling interviews. While individual circumstances will vary, each individual is currently facing personal concerns and disruptions. No matter whether it’s juggling online tutorials, childcare, or maintaining relationships with friends and family.

For these reasons, it is of great significance to receive immediate feedback from students. Regular short surveys can be used to ascertain whether students have the opportunity to participate in their courses, can work in a protected space, whether they are doing well, and to what extent learning outcomes are achieved.

Pulse surveys could be used by universities to respond expeditiously to student well-being and help to improve it by taking appropriate action.

Use pulse surveys in the digital semester as well to get the quick & direct feedback of your students

With evasys, these survey formats can be implemented quickly and easily. Involve lecturers and allow them to engage directly with students using our active account. The rapid delivery of data means that adjustments can then be made in real time.

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