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7 reasons why qurricula is also useful for your quality management

Using the workflow management system qurricula, you can notably increase the efficiency and transparency of your quality management and accreditation processes.

In the following, we show you seven requirements that arise from the quality management and accreditation processes and which solutions qurricula offers therefore.

The transparent visualization of the processes around quality management and accreditation is invaluable for institutions. It increases the understanding and creates clarity for all parties in the process. Operational processes for the preparation as well as the implementation of quality management formats are systematized and deadlines and dates are clearly presented. Qurricula thus helps you maintain an overview of your processes at all times.

Decision-making and processes in accreditation are retraceable, since all documents and their context of origin can be retrieved centrally in one place. The accumulated process knowledge is therefore not lost with a change of employees.

All study programs and examination regulations can be viewed centrally. Every quality management procedure belonging to a study program is visible at a glance and data can be easily found with the help of the intuitively usable search function. This reflects the approach of transparency and clarity also.

All individual data sources are bundled into one data core. This contributes to a well-structured presentation of the data for a study program. Results from different surveys, such as student and graduate surveys, are processed and compared for each specific program, likewise case and key figures.

Qurricula provides various analysis functions to evaluate both quantitative and qualitative data. Process participants have role-based access rights and can thus work with the data. Reports are generated according to a standardized format. The interactive dashboard enables important insights to be gained from the collected data.

With the planning functions for responsibilities and the reminder function for deadlines, coordination and communication between internal and external persons is made simple. Input masks for statements and action planning as well as schedules and milestones facilitate the organization of quality management and accreditation processes.

The cooperation between internal and external stakeholders can often be a challenge for the accreditation process. The role-based usage model of qurricula simplifies the occuring administrative processes. Documents can be generated as well as shared by the different parties. Consequently, a confusing data exchange via mail is no longer necessary. Consents and data protection aspects can also be handled via qurricula.

Optimize your processes and make your accreditation and quality management easier.

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