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A short insight into some new features of evasys version 8.2

With version 8.2, evasys is enhanced with several new features that support and simplify your work with the software on various levels. In addition to a strong focus on the area of filtering for online surveys, you can also expect exciting new features in the reporting area, for example. We are happy to give you an insight into some of the new features of evasys version 8.2.

A short insight into some new features of evasys version 8.2

Please note: For all features presented below, the reservation applies that changes are possible at any time until the release.

Compare filtered answers in HTML report

In addition to filtering by individual answer options, as of version 8.2 the HTML report also allows for comparison of filtered answers. In this way, for example, the results of two subgroups of  participants (e.g. age group 30-39 and 40-49) can be displayed next to each other. As a basis for these comparisons, single-choice-questions and multiple-choice-questions can be used. A maximum of three answer-options can be selected for a comparison. In addition, there is the opportunity to display the entire database as a comparison bar. When one or more answers are selected, the report is immediately filtered live. All charts are updated according to the selection. These new interactive function of the HTML report encourages a deeper engagement with the data and enables a faster and easier comparative analysis of results.

Extended and improved filtering

• Filtering of answer options

The filtering for questionaries is extended by filtering of individual answer options. While it was previously only possible enable or disable entire questions or question groups based on a filter , it is now also possible to flexibly single answer options of a question.

For example, if you ask regarding the event type (face-to-face, digital, hybrid), using a single-choice-question, a subsequent multiple-choice question about the teaching materials, can only display the answers that are relevant for the selected event type. This extended filtering option makes it possible to guide survey participants through the survey even better and more precisely. For questionnaire creators, this opens up new ways for more detailed query options.

• Piping for filter questions in online surveys

With the help of piping, texts of the answers selected or entered by survey participants can be reused in subsequent question texts. For example, if an open-ended question asks about the place of residence and the participant answers “Lakeside Terrace,” the text “Lakeside Terrace” can be dynamically displayed in a subsequent question using a placeholder (e.g., “What makes Lakeside terrace your favourite lunch place?”). With the help of piping, question texts can be formulated more appropriately for the participants. They are addressed more personally, which can increase acceptance of the questionnaire and understanding of the questions. Ultimately, this can help to reduce survey abadonment rates.


• Transfer of a question group with filtering to the question library

If question groups with filters  are created in the VividForms Editor, these can be transferred to the question library from version 8.2, including the filters that have been set up. The prerequisite is that the filtering only refers to questions and answers within this question group.

• Further functional improvements in the filter area

When creating filters, the tree view now also displays the question numbers and no longer just the question texts. This display of question numbers allows for an easier orientation in the questionnaire and easier creation of filters, especially in the case of long questionnaires and identical question texts.

Questions and question groups with filters are marked by an icon and can be quickly identified in the future both in the editing view in the VividForms editor and in the question library.

In addition, filter questions can be made visible in the raw data export (CSV) in the column header. In future, it will also be optionally visible in the PDF report if a result has come about due to a previously triggered filter.

Enhanced navigation in the VividForms editor

The VividForms Editor is extended by a new navigation element that displays the question groups in the form of a table of contents on the right side of the window. The directory remains permanently in the viewing area and allows a direct jump to the selected question group via mouse click.

Design Template in the VividForms Editor

The online editing view in the VividForms Editor will be displayed in the layout of the Design Template by default and thus the editing view corresponds better to the later display of the survey. The individual question groups can be conveniently folded in and out from version 8.2 on.

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