The Nexus Project
Today, knowledge is passed on in many different ways. But how can it be determined whether this knowledge is actually being transmitted properly? The more complex a subject, the more difficult it is to find out through standardized tests and examinations.
New approaches to addressing this difficult task were discussed at the conference “On the practical implementation of competence orientation in universities” organized by the Nexus project of the Rectors’ Conference.
The project “nexus – design transitions, improving study success” has been conducted since 2014 by the Higher Education Conference with funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research to support universities in the further development of study programs and expansion of study quality.
The Nexus Conference 2019
Attending conferences is always worthwhile, especially because of the new information and suggestions for qurricula. However, absorbing all of this is nearly impossible on-site, which is why conference documentation like now from the 2019 Nexus Conference is so important.
Half a dozen presentations and two parallel panels can now be reviewed and processed in small doses, and their core information can be read in summary form.
Under the topic of the practical implementation of competence orientation in universities, the discussion focused on four aspects: individual competence development, the acquisition of generic competences, or preparation for the labor market, and challenges and communication of competence orientation. The conference, which was booked out with more than 200 participants, thus offered plenty of room for discussion, suggestions and exchange of practical examples, concepts and research results from about 30 universities.
You can read the contents on the daily documentation of the Nexus Conference 2019.