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Learn how others have elevated their performance with evasys and evaexam

Our customers

We empower over 1,500 organisations of varying sizes from the education, healthcare, corporate and government sectors.

Case studies

These studies have been selected to help give you an idea of the breadth of our customers, from household names through to smaller organizations, and how our solutions have saved them resources and improved their operations.

Select your industry or desired product to learn more
  • vhw – Federal Association for Housing and Urban Development

    The vhw is a non-profit association dedicated to training and research in the fields of housing and urban development, conducting over 1,800 seminars annually with more than 53,000 participants.

  • VHS Heidekreis
    Volkshochschule Heidekreis gGmbH

    Volkshochschule Heidekreis is a municipally responsible educational institution in the Heidekreis district. As a non-profit educational institution, Volkshochschule Heidekreis gGmbH develops an open, high-quality, and needs-based educational offering for various…

  • Versammlung SoCura
    SoCura GmbH

    Die SoCura GmbH bietet seit 2005 professionelle Services aus den Bereichen Buchhaltung, IT und Personalwesen an und betreibt die gesamte IT-Landschaft der Malteser in Deutschland.

  • ifb – Institut zur Fortbildung von Betriebsräten GmbH & Co. KG

    As a seminar provider with up to 260 seminars per week, conducted in 70 cities by approximately 830 speakers and 230 seminar leaders, the IFB relies on centralized, highly automated…

  • Versammlung von Menschen,
    German Actuarial Association (Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e.V.)

    Die Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e.V. (DAV) ist die berufsständische Vertretung der Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematiker*innen mit derzeit mehr als 5.600 Mitglieder*innen. Darüber hinaus stehen rund 1.600 meist jüngere Finanz- und Versicherungsmathematiker*innen nach…

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