German Actuarial Association (Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e.V.)
Ensuring High Quality Standards Through Continuous Seminar Evaluation
Implemented Solutions:
About the German Actuarial Association (Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e.V.)
The German Actuarial Association (Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung e.V. – DAV) is the professional representation of insurance and financial mathematicians, with currently more than 5,600 members. Additionally, around 1,600 mostly younger financial and insurance mathematicians are in the regulated training program to become actuaries after completing their university studies and gaining at least three years of professional experience. To ensure a high-quality approach, training and continuing education events have been regularly evaluated for years, since 2016 with evasys. The software is also used for professional conferences and the general assembly of members.
The Challenge
Before using evasys, Word templates were used for surveys and event details were added to each template. The evaluation sheets were then printed, distributed, and subsequently returned. Both the analysis and the transfer to a graphical overall evaluation were done manually.
This involved more than 100 training and 40 continuing education events annually, as well as various special formats. The time required ranged from one and a half to six hours. The manual processing of the surveys was very time-consuming and was usually done with a delay, making the results sometimes less meaningful. Additionally, evaluations could not be compared automatically, and an overall presentation could not be created.
The introduction of evasys aimed to save time, minimize errors, increase quality, achieve higher response rates, and enable timely feedback and cross-event evaluations. Overall, the goals associated with the system acquisition were fully achieved with evasys.
The Solution
The DAV decided to introduce evasys to improve the efficiency and quality of surveys. With evasys, all phases of the surveys, from creation to evaluation, are automated. Since its introduction, evasys has been used for pre-event expectation surveys as well as for evaluating seminars and continuing education events. Expert lectures and the program of the annual and autumn conferences are also evaluated with evasys. Member surveys and opinion polls among committee and board members, as well as the board election during the general assembly, are conducted using evasys.
Results of the Collaboration
With the introduction of evasys, the DAV achieved significant time savings and an increase in response rates. Paper-based surveys were replaced by online surveys, leading to timely evaluations and paper savings. The online surveys were well received by the tech-savvy target group. A total of 12,500 questionnaires are captured and evaluated annually. The questionnaires are created using the VividForms Editor or the VividForms Designer. Despite the initial time investment, the advantages of the software prevail in all areas, and the goals associated with the system acquisition were fully achieved.