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Delete historical data in evaexam to meet deletion deadlines

Evaexam administrators can easily delete user accounts that have not been active in the system for a long time via a new plug-in. Exams that have exceeded a certain age can also be deleted in this way.

From now on, all evaexam administrators can easily delete user accounts that have not been active in the system for a long time by using our new plug-in. Also exams that have exceeded a certain age can be deleted. With this tool you get the simple possibility to comply with deletion deadlines in a better and data protection compliant way.

The new plug-in “Delete historical data” is available for free in the main menu “Extras” under the tab “Plug-ins”. After installation, the plug-in can be found in evaexam in the main menu “Settings” in the “Tools” section.

With the Plug-in administrators and subunit administrators (if allowed) can delete exams from the system if they are older than a defined date. Additionally, they can delete the user accounts of users who have not worked with the system for a long time.

Furthermore, the examiners can be informed about the imminent deletion of exams or user accounts by e-mail:

  • Possibility of a “warning”: an e-mail is sent to affected examiners informing them about the imminent deletion of the exam/user account in the system.
  • Information about the actual deletion: Exams/user accounts are deleted and at the same time an e-mail is sent to the examiner informing about the deletion process.

If a user account is deleted, all related and possibly contained exam data will also be deleted.

This way, the requirements of data protection and deletion deadlines can be met.

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