Project launch of “Smart Data Insights”
The evasys GmbH, as the leading software provider for the highest level of automation in survey and exam processes, continues to focus on innovations “Made in Germany” and – just in time for the company’s 25th anniversary – is establishing its own development team in the field of “quantitative & qualitative data analysis”. The Lüneburg-based software house is being funded by the state of Lower Saxony for its innovative Smart Data Insights project and is pleased about the public interest and support for this important advancement.
The two software solutions evasys and evaexam are already in use at more than 1,500 international universities, companies, and medical and public institutions, supporting their quality management by intelligently automating data collection for surveys and exams of all kinds. In this way, more than 10 million surveys and exams are annually conducted with the help of the software made in Lüneburg. Since successful work in quality management only starts with data collection, the company is increasingly focusing on data processing and analysis. The goal of being able to offer customers the best possible data-based and target group-specific support in their decision-making processes for quality management issues is to be achieved, among other things, through the development and use of own machine learning components.
In the wake of further development, the executives of evasys GmbH, Dr. L. Lazar and S. Ewert, welcome a proven scientist and expert in the field of software development for the analysis of user comments. Lüneburg-born Dr. C. Stanik received his doctorate from the University of Hamburg at the Chair of Applied Software Technology. Dr. Stanik is looking forward to combining scientific aspects, the latest innovations and the diverse wishes of the large international customer base: “We see this project as a great opportunity to strengthen our location with the state funding and to enable our customers to gain data-driven insights and save a lot of time through intelligent automation and AI-supported analysis processes.”
The evasys GmbH is looking for additional employees for both the new and existing development projects and is pleased to receive qualified applications to continue to internationally represent the software location Lüneburg.