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After the release is before the release – Sneak Preview evasys V9.0

Already excited about our evasys version 9.0 ? We are also! We are already working hard on the new features and functions. Look forward to a modern and responsive evasys!

The new evasys interface: fresh and modernized!

Since a few weeks the evasys version 8.2 has been released and is available for you with numerous new features and added values, especially around the topic of online surveys. For us, the release was a great reason for joy, but of course no reason to rest – work on version 9.0 is already in full swing, even before version 8.2 was released.

With version 9.0 you can look forward to a new, fresh and modernized evasys interface. The direction we are taking here has certainly already become apparent to you in the last versions: The new online template with its fresh look, tidy presentation, and large control elements, as well as the new HTML report with its dynamic elements and clear design, already show where we are headed: brighter, friendlier, tidier, more modern, more responsive, and more user-friendly – that’s the maxim.

While “only” the so-called frontend users, i.e. participants in online surveys and report recipients, have benefited from a modernized display so far, in the future it will also be you as backend users, as admins and TB admins, who can benefit from a new interface in your daily work.

Refactoring of evasys

The expandable and collapsible side menu provides more space in the menu area and better utilization of the screen. Elements and texts in the menu area are arranged in a larger and more user-friendly way. Less frequently used information is hidden to make the interfaces clearer. Scroll paths are significantly shortened as a result, making it easier to navigate the system.

But the surface is only the top of the iceberg – as is so often the case, most of the work takes place underwater, in secret. Because just as it was time to modernize the interface, it was also time to put the evasys code on a new footing in order to keep the software stable, maintainable, and future-proof in the long term. New technologies and new frameworks provide modernity even where you can’t see it or can only see it to a limited extent. In software development we talk about “refactoring” – in our case we currently refactor large parts of evasys, e.g. the whole main menu “Subareas”, which is probably the menu you use most in evasys. And this is just the beginning, more areas will follow bit by bit.

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