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What users are saying

"Die Performance und Qualität unserer Abteilung und unseres Leistungsspektrums konnte mit Einsatz der Software deutlich gesteigert werden."

  • Petra Huxholl
  • Guestmanagement & Business Development
  • face to face Event GmbH

"Unser Ziel, Befragungsdaten automatisiert zu erfassen und die Ergebnisse zeitnah darzustellen, haben wir mit EvaSys voll erreicht."

  • Siegfried Fuß
  • Qualitätsmanagementbeauftragter
  • Landessportbund Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.

"Als wir uns für EvaSys entschieden haben, haben wir uns nicht nur für die Software, sondern auch für das Unternehmen mit sehr guten, langjährigen und internationalen Erfahrungswerten entschieden."

  • Petra Schröder
  • Marktforschung / Market Research
  • Messe Düsseldorf GmbH

"Mithilfe von EvaSys haben wir einen komfortablen Weg gefunden, auch die spezielle Abfrage nach einer durchgeführten individuellen Bildungsberatung zu realisieren."

  • Elke Dettmer
  • Programmbereichsleitung Berufliche Bildung/EDV
  • Volkshochschule Heidekreis

Our Promise

To elevate your performance by improving your processes

Our experienced support and training team offers ongoing personalized help and guidance.


Integrations are easy with our well-documented API, databridge and custom-developed plugins.


Our software is designed to be flexible and easily adapted for each organisation’s needs.


Be confident with full GDPR compliance and servers exclusively based in the EU.

Case Studies

Vitos GmbH

Vitos brings together several psychiatric facilities with over 475 years of history. Since 2008, these facilities have been organized into 12 non-profit subsidiaries under a holding company, which was named…

University Hospital Essen

The University Hospital Essen is currently the largest cross-site university hospital in the Ruhr area, with 195,000 outpatients and 53,000 inpatients annually.

vhw – Federal Association for Housing and Urban Development

The vhw is a non-profit association dedicated to training and research in the fields of housing and urban development, conducting over 1,800 seminars annually with more than 53,000 participants.


ISO certification – focus on quality, security and innovation

We recently received the coveted ISO 27001 certification - a real breakthrough in our journey towards service excellence and innovative solutions. This certification not only marks a milestone for our…

The integration between CAMPUSonline and evasys: A high degree of automation for survey processes

Learn more about our new integration between CAMPUSonline and evasys in this article.

After the release is before the release – Sneak Preview of evaexam V9.0

With version 9.0 our exam solution evaexam gets a new coat of paint - in this article you get an exclusive sneak preview of the new evaexam interface.