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  • SDI Werkstattbericht
    Project “Smart Data Insights” with feature for categorizing free text answers

    Automatic recognition of frequently discussed topics is one of the new features of the planned data analytics platform evainsights. Learn more about the new feature here!…

  • Visualisierung Hotspotfrage.
    New in version 8.2: The hotspot question in evaexam

    Designing online exams in a quality-assuring, reliable, and activating way: The new hotspot question in evaexam opens up new ways for instructors to design exams. Learn more about the new…

  • Version 8.2 der Befragungssoftware evasys.
    A short insight into some new features of evasys version 8.2

    We would like to give you a short preview of some new features of evasys version 8.2, which we expect to release in the last quarter of this year.

  • A short preview of the new features of evaexam version 8.2

    We would like to provide you with a brief preview of some features of evaexam version 8.2. The release is expected in fall 2021. Expect many new features and improvements…

  • Gruppe Leute im Büro am Computer.
    The ZuriHAC 2018

    From 2018-06-08 to 2018-06-10, our subsidiary from Budapest participated in ZuriHac2018 Haskell Hackathon in Rapperswill (near Zurich). Exciting speakers convinced with exciting topics like refinement types for Haskell and building…

  • Konferenz und Präsentation.
    Introducing qurricula at the ACQUIN Members meeting 2019

    About two years ago, our subsidiary in Budapest started to focus more intensively on the topic of system and program accreditation. Together with the University of Heidelberg, it developed a…

  • Smart Data Insights.
    Launch of the “Smart Data Insights” project

    The evasys GmbH starts the development of an add-on for quantitative and qualitative data analysis - the project team is funded by the state of Lower Saxony for 24 months.

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